Crowdfunding for injunction legal challenge

November 13, 2019

London Gypsies and Travellers is trying to raise £8000 to help fund its legal challenge to local councils who have won injunction orders banning Gypsies and Travellers from stopping on open spaces – effectively criminalising a way of life. We believe these injunctions break the Equality Act and discriminate against Gypsies and Travellers.

We are fighting a vital test case in the High Court, challenging Bromley Council’s intention to introduce a “wide” injunction banning anyone from stopping on open land. Over the past two years, 37 councils have taken out similar injunctions which threaten all Gypsies and Travellers with fines and imprisonment if they camp within their boundaries. If our challenge to Bromley succeeds, it will have major implications for what other councils can do.

Please watch the video explaining more about the effects of these injunctions and the legal case.

You can access the crowdfunding page here

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